terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2004

Para quem está a preparar a Consoada ou a passagem de Ano


1 garrafa de whisky - do bom, é claro!!
1 peru de aproximadamente 5 Kg
Sal, pimenta e molho verde a gosto
350 ml de azeite extra-virgem
500 g de bacon em fatias
Nozes moídas

Modo de preparar:
Envolver o peru no bacon e temperá-lo com sal, pimenta e molho verde a gosto.
Massajá-lo com azeite. Pré-aquecer o forno durante aprox. 10 minutos.
Servir-se de uma boa dose (dupla) de whisky enquanto aguarda.
Colocar o peru numa assadeira grande.
Sirva-se de mais duas doses de whisky.
Ajustar o terbostato na marca 3, e, debois de uns binte bidutos, bonha para assassinar. Digu, assar a ave.
Beber bais uba dose de whisky.
Debois de beia hora, formar a baertura e controlar a asssadura do pato.
Tentar zentar na gadeira, zervir-se de uooooootra dose boa de whisky.
Gozer (?), gosturar(?), gozinhar (?), sei lá, f***-se o beru.
Deixááár o vilho da buta no vorno bor ubas 4 horas.
Tentar tirar a berda do beru de lá.
Bandar bais uba boa dose de whisky pa dentro.
Dendar nobabente tirar o cabrããão do beru do vorno, borgue na bribeira denndadiiiva dãão deeeeeeeuuuu.
Begar o beru que gaiu no jão, e enjugar o vilho da buta gom o bano de limparrr o jão e gologá-lo duba pandeja ou galguer outra borra, bois, avinal, vozê nem gossssssssta buito dessa berda de beru. Bronto!

Well... maybe not!!!

segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2004

Expected Unexpected Things

I thank lately Christmas has turned out to be expecting things that should be Unexpected.
We try to surprise our close ones although sometimes they might have some clues about their presents. This time I couldn't surprise my brother at all (bought him 1 of the 3 ties he got - Suit and tie everyday that's what you get!!!), but I really could do it for my parents. They thought we (me & bro) would buy them a book, but they got 2 plane tickets to Vienna in April. Well the 2 kids started to be really paid and what best gift we could offer them than a plane ticket to a romantic place for their 25th married anniversary?
By the way, thanks for all the SMS's!!! My phone didn't stop ringing...
Another expected unexpected thing is a strange event becoming a habit. In the past years I've went out somewhere on the 25th in the evening, either to see a movie or meeting someone. The funny thing is that I always find a great friend of mine and someone I don't see for a long time. We never set the meeting, we always meet in a different place and we only see each other in this day... Spooky!!!!
Well... maybe not!!!

segunda-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2004

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year
Well... maybe not!!!

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2004

Funny feeling

Do you know that kind of feeling saying, hey dad could you please borrow me some extra money for a larger thing I have to do?....
So what does it feel when you are able to lend money to your parents? weird, funny or strange? They need to make an extra expense and instead of borowing to the bank, how about borrowing to their 2 recently paid kids...
It makes you feel funny being on the other side...
Have you ever thought about that?
Well... maybe not!!!

segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2004

Different working days

The end of last week was different working period. One of the things related to science is participating in Congresses in which new findings can are discussed and the opportunity of sharing work is very big. This is also a great opportunity of people share what they're doing...
This time I was participating in the Portuguese Biochemical Society biannual Congress. It was held is Algarve.
It felt really good to change daily life for 3 days in spite of also be doing some work...
And it also allowed to relax a little: a few days in the sun (instead of rain) by the sea can always make work a little more pleasant.
Well... maybe not!!!