terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2005


Hi everyone.
I decided to take advantage of our sun and my uncle's house by the pool in Cascais...
Ok I could enjoy more than a week of holidays but work waits to be done...
Anyway I'm going Switzerland and Germany for a wedding in September and enjoying another week of holidays...
That's not that bad...
Well... maybe not!!!

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2005


É só impressão minha ou uma greve à sexta-feira, ainda por cima véspera de ínicio de férias de muita gente, soa assim a modos que conveniência mais? Principalmente quando a maioria do pessoal da função pública que faz greve não vai para o sítio onde as greves fazem sentido: à porta do local de trabalho....
Se calhar sou eu que estou errado ou sou mesmo do contra....
Well... maybe not!!!

Finally a chance

I think one of the biggest "tortures" I have to stand these days is trying to go to/from work and have to stand traffic jams from people going/coming to the beach...
and the worse part is me having my swimming suit in my car and not being able to go there for a swim....
Well I finally managed it. It took a while but it worth it. I definitively have to do it again and preferably more often...
In the meanwhile I have been going to jog a little in the park next to my house. It feels good to relax a little in the end of the afternoon...
I'd rather go to the beach but maybe I shouldn't complain...
Well... maybe not!!!